Monday, January 10, 2011

BIONIC: Coming Soon!

So while I've been on my social hiatus I've had the opportunity to listen to quite a few tunes. I wasnt able to do the Friday Night Jazz Club this past week because Nyla has been ill, so I therefore wasnt able to get out this musical beast that lies

I wont be able to get on the air until next friday, but I figured since I'm home being Dr. Dad I might as well put something together from what I've been listening to. Usually I would let the cat out the bag and tell you what this mix is about, however I figured I'd just let you download this one and see for yourself.

Its not ready yet, but I was so excited I had to create the artwork. So ladies, gentlemen, and droids, I present...BIONIC.

Stay close for the release...


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Approaching the first mile...

So here I am...its Saturday. Five days since I announced my social leave of absence. It definitely has been a challenge. Surprisingly FB and Twitter havent been my main sources of temptation. My phone has been ringing off the hook from "Random Yo's" that I havent spoken to in a while. However while these unexpected calls and messages have been tempting to entertain, I still maintained my steadfastness.

My solace and sanctuary has been on this blog. Though yesterday my oldest, Nyla, was ill and I had to invite Kissi to watch her for a few while I went to get medicine and the when I returned Mo was here to be Mo...once they left it was back to normal.

I have been able to focus on a skill that I havent developed in quite some time, video editing. I can become engulfed in a task once I get rolling and that seems to be the case with this. Not to mention it will help me get some extra funds :o).

For those who have respected this time of needed space, I thank you. I'll be back soon...just a little different this time.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Was disgusted

This morning I woke up feeling that itch to pick up my Fascinate, click my "F" icon which is next to me "T" icon and begin to login just to see what I've missed over the past couple days. Didn't intend to post anything, was just gonna "Cyber Chill" in the cut. However I was saved my Nyla (my daughter) who is on the quest to be early for class every day this year. Therefore I slipped my phone in my back pocket and rushed her to school so she could be early.

When I finally arrived at my office I sat down, and was welcomed with google announcements from CES. So my excitement for the #11 gadgets superseded my urge to tweet. Therefore I began to blog (which is becoming my new therapy btw). Still tempted to log on and I get pulled away into a production meeting where my audio expertise was needed.

An hour and a half later I go back to my desk, finish the CES blog I started earlier. I then receive an email about things going on in the "SN" (social network) world and I just got a bitter taste in my mouth. One of the main reasons why I have backed away is to remove myself from "Cyber-Drama". My temptation to log on transformed into an anger and rage against "the machine". How can this platform induce so much power?...HOW?...WHY do we allow it to? I'm actually sick of it now and, at least for today, have no desire at all to log on. Y'all can have it...I'm good. I don't need that right now...or anymore for that matter.

While I understand the significance of social networking and how it has blanketed our society as the norm. While it has its positives and also has its negatives. I don't believe its FB or Twitter as a living organism that affect FB and Twitter are inanimate programs/platforms that only breathe the breath we give them. Only shoot the bullets we type. And only wound the hearts from the words we read.

I make a vow to myself to become more balanced by the end of this sabbatical. Because I refuse to be a victim again. Refuse.


CES 2011: Vegas Baby

So the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is going down all day today in Las Vegas. For techies this is the Black Friday of a years worth of Christmas. This is where the who's who among electronics will showcase their upcoming products for the year.

Those who know me, know that I love gadgets....Apple gadgets in particular. I have 3 G5 towers a MacBook, iPod Touch, use Apples Final Cut. Yes I am that Apple Dude. You may have noticed in my listing of devices, the one major omission.......(virtual drum roll)....the iPhone. That is correct, I do not own an iPhone. Not because I dont like the device, but merely because my cell phone provider of choice does not carry it....well yet. I was hoping that during the CES today Apple or Verizon would announce that the iPhone would be coming to the Network this month or this quarter for that matter. However after some careful thought, wouldnt it be dope if Apple and Verizon had THE BEST SUPERBOWL COMMERCIAL EVER? just me? ....ok.

Moving on>>>>>Home Connectivity:

It is speculated that LG is to announce a line of new products in the home that communicate over a wireless network. Imaging if your washing machine needs a second cycle, or your stove needs to be turned up or down in temperature yet you re at the market. Pull up an app on your mobile device and your home now is at your finger tips. The possibilities are endless.

Well I just had to get this out after googling CES this morning and seeing that Motorola announced the Moto Bionic, a dual core 1GHz (2GHz total) device running Android Honeycomb...WHAT...this is gonna be a powerhouse 4G device and I cant wait to get my hands on one.

While I am an Apple enthusiast and would love an iPhone, I will keep my tongue wet with this Bionic.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Surviving without Social Networks: Phaze 1: Detox

So as I posted yesterday I will not be going on Facebook or Twitter for a while. Two questions still remain unanswered to many. 1) How long is this gonna last? and 2.) Why exactly is he doing it?

Well lets attempt to answer these questions:

1. How long is this gonna last? Well the unofficial answer is as long as it takes. The official answer is "probably about 2 weeks or so". Can I go two weeks without going on Facebook or Twitter? I have no idea, but I have to try. Which brings me to your second question.....

2. Why exactly is he doing it? In one word to sum it all....discipline. I have found that discipline I once had has slowly diminished over time. While I do not blame Facebook and Twitter for my lack of discipline, I am using this as a training ground for regaining discipline in all areas of my life. Eating Habits, Reading, Sleeping, Exercising, and other areas of my life such as taming my tongue, eliminating procrastination, being a great steward over all that has been given to me.

To some this could be called a "consecration", a "sabbatical", or whatever your choice religious phrase is for this season...(another church word) of my life.

Ultimately the goal of this is so that I can become a better person. I guess now would be a good time to also mention that I have also decided to limit my communication with associates and friends as well, including my inner circle. I believe removing myself from distractions is the best way to achieve this goal that I have.

I must achieve this goal...failure is not an option.


Two's a Crowd

I've seen this happen numerous times, however have never taken the opportunity to express my sentiments on it. Have you ever been around a co-worker who needed to go to the breakroom/cafe? Whether it be to get the obvious or to get a napkin, condiment, water etc. Well have you ever noticed that most people (women in particular) go with a partner? attention next time you go to work and specifically when its time to go to the breakroom/cafe. Listen to the conversations around you and observe when people begin go walk in the direction of the cafe. In most cases you will hear "...walk to the cafe with me"....What is it about the break room that insists that we shouldnt visit alone? Is it the same mentality that most go through when its time to go to the club/lounge? "Girl where WE going tonight?".

Is there a greater question to ask behind this observation? Such as, are we as a society against being alone? Before critics begin to read this and express their disagreement and utter disapproval of this topic, take a moment and think about your past seven days. Have you gone more places (socially) with or without company?

If the former is true for your life I encourage to self evaluate why that is the case for you. You could have just ended up going when every one else was drifting to the cafe and just fell in stream. Or maybe, just maybe, you need the company.

Just a thought.

Kenyan Cornelius

DJ Kiva: Erykah Badu "Out My Mind" Remix
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Facebook & Twitter Truless?

Yes that is correct, today I announced that I would be taking a sabbatical from Facebook and Twitter. I did not specify the amount of time I would be gone, however I will state that it is not permanent.

For those who want to know about events I am involved with please visit this blog for updates.

I love you all

Keep it Soulful!

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