This morning I woke up feeling that itch to pick up my Fascinate, click my "F" icon which is next to me "T" icon and begin to login just to see what I've missed over the past couple days. Didn't intend to post anything, was just gonna "Cyber Chill" in the cut. However I was saved my Nyla (my daughter) who is on the quest to be early for class every day this year. Therefore I slipped my phone in my back pocket and rushed her to school so she could be early.
When I finally arrived at my office I sat down, and was welcomed with google announcements from CES. So my excitement for the #11 gadgets superseded my urge to tweet. Therefore I began to blog (which is becoming my new therapy btw). Still tempted to log on and I get pulled away into a production meeting where my audio expertise was needed.
An hour and a half later I go back to my desk, finish the CES blog I started earlier. I then receive an email about things going on in the "SN" (social network) world and I just got a bitter taste in my mouth. One of the main reasons why I have backed away is to remove myself from "Cyber-Drama". My temptation to log on transformed into an anger and rage against "the machine". How can this platform induce so much power?...HOW?...WHY do we allow it to? I'm actually sick of it now and, at least for today, have no desire at all to log on. Y'all can have it...I'm good. I don't need that right now...or anymore for that matter.
While I understand the significance of social networking and how it has blanketed our society as the norm. While it has its positives and also has its negatives. I don't believe its FB or Twitter as a living organism that affect FB and Twitter are inanimate programs/platforms that only breathe the breath we give them. Only shoot the bullets we type. And only wound the hearts from the words we read.
I make a vow to myself to become more balanced by the end of this sabbatical. Because I refuse to be a victim again. Refuse.
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