Saturday, January 8, 2011

Approaching the first mile...

So here I am...its Saturday. Five days since I announced my social leave of absence. It definitely has been a challenge. Surprisingly FB and Twitter havent been my main sources of temptation. My phone has been ringing off the hook from "Random Yo's" that I havent spoken to in a while. However while these unexpected calls and messages have been tempting to entertain, I still maintained my steadfastness.

My solace and sanctuary has been on this blog. Though yesterday my oldest, Nyla, was ill and I had to invite Kissi to watch her for a few while I went to get medicine and the when I returned Mo was here to be Mo...once they left it was back to normal.

I have been able to focus on a skill that I havent developed in quite some time, video editing. I can become engulfed in a task once I get rolling and that seems to be the case with this. Not to mention it will help me get some extra funds :o).

For those who have respected this time of needed space, I thank you. I'll be back soon...just a little different this time.


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